Monitor all the things! ... and early too!
Monitoring performance
Here are a few things we have decided to monitor, and with what tools.
Monitoring CubicWeb
To monitor our running Python code, we have decided to use statsd, since it is already built into CubicWeb's core. Out of the box, you can configure a statsd server address in your all-in-one.conf configuration. That will send out some timing statistics about some core functions.
If we are curious about a particular function or view that might be taking too long to generate or slow down the user experience, we can just add the @statsd_timeit decorator there. Done. It's monitored.
statsd monitoring is a fire-and-forget UDP type of monitoring, it should not have any impact on the performance of what you are monitoring.
Monitoring Apache
One of the nice things about this part is that we can then get graphs of errors since we will differentiate OK 200 type codes from 500 type codes (HTTP codes).
Monitoring ElasticSearch
ElasticSearch comes with some metrics in GET /_stats endpoint, the same goes for individual nodes, individual indices and even at cluster level. Some popular tools can be installed through the ElasticSearch plugin system or with Kibana (plugin system there too).
On the SaltStack side, we wrote a two line execution module (
import requests
def stats():
return request.get('http://localhost:9200/_stats').json()
This gets shipped using the custom execution modules mechanism (_modules and saltutils.sync_modules), and is executed every minute (or less) in the salt scheduler. The resulting dictionary is fed to the carbon returner that is configured to talk to a carbon server somewhere nearby.
# salt demohost elasticsearch.stats
{ "indextime_inmillis" : 30,
Monitoring web metrics
The command is configured and run by salt using pillars and its scheduler.
We will have to take a look at using their jenkins plugin with our jenkins continuous integration instance.
Monitoring crashes / errors / bugs
When it starts getting useful and usable is when your bugs get reported with some rich context. That's when using sentry gets in. It's free software developed on github (although the website does not really show that) and it is written in python, so it was a good match for our culture. And it is pretty awesome too.
We plug sentry into our WSGI pipeline (thanks to cubicweb-pyramid) by installing and configuring the sentry cube : cubicweb-sentry. This will catch rich context bugs and provide us with vital information about what the user was doing when the crash occured.
This also helps sharing bug information within a team.
The sentry cube reports on errors being raised when using the web application, but can also catch some errors when running some maintenance or import commands (ccplugins in CubicWeb). In this particular case, a lot of importing is being done and Sentry can detect and help us triage the import errors with context on which files are failing.
Monitoring usage / client side
This part is a bit neglected for the moment. Client side we can use Javascript to monitor usage. Some basic metrics can come from piwik which is usually used for audience statistics. To get more precise statistics we've been told Boomerang has an interesting approach, enabling a closer look at how fast a page was displayed client side, how much time was spend on DNS, etc.
On the client side, we're also looking at two features of the Sentry project : the raven-js client which reports Javascript errors directly from the browser to the Sentry server, and the user feedback form which captures some context when something goes wrong or a user/client wants to report that something should be changed on a given page.
Load testing - coverage
To wrap up, we also often generate traffic to catch some bugs and performance metrics automatically :
- wget --mirror $URL
- linkchecker $URL
- for $search_term in cat corpus; do wget URL/$search_term ; done
- wapiti $URL --scope page
- nikto $URL
Then watch the graphs and the errors in Sentry... Fix them. Restart.
Further plans
- internal health checks, we're taking a look at python-hospital and healthz: Stop reverse engineering applications and start monitoring from the inside (Monitorama) (the idea is to distinguish between the app is running and the app is serving it's purpose), and pyramid_health
- graph the number of Sentry errors and the number of types of errors: the sentry API should be able to give us this information. Feed it to Salt and Carbon.
- setup some alerting : next versions of Grafana will be doing that, or with elastalert
- setup "release version X" events in Graphite that are displayed in Grafana, maybe with some manual command or a postcreate command when using docker-compose up ?
- make it easier for devs to have this kind of setup. Using this suite of tools in developement might sometimes be overkill, but can be useful.